
Patrick Bijsmans Pia Harbers


Programmes in higher education are confronted with decreasing funds and increasing demands from national governments concerning, for instance, access to higher education and retention and completion rates. In this light it is important that prospective students make the right study choice. Since 2011 Maastricht University’s Bachelor in European Studies is using a procedure called ‘Matching’, which is meant to facilitate prospective students’ self-reflection about their study choice. This article explains how Matching complements existing arrangements related to transition to higher education, such as open days and induction weeks, and presents our experience to this point. We have so far only partly been able to meet the initial aims of Matching. Nevertheless, we believe that arrangements such as this can benefit both undergraduate programmes and their students, as it provides a better insight into study choice and into intervention that can improve transition to higher education.


Article Keywords

Matching, retention, study choice, study success, transition, teaching European Studies

Teaching, Learning and the Profession
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